My February 2015 Goals:
1. Create a blogging schedule for at least the next 2 months. I'm listing this goal first because I think it's a really important one to stick with. (It helps that this was also one of my New Year's resolutions, so it's definitely something I want to work on!) As is probably obvious from my frequent weekend posting (and my introduction paragraph in this post!), I haven't been planning ahead very well. I've basically just been posting whenever I have some quiet time to myself to put something together and, unfortunately, that hasn't been happening that often lately. I know everyone doesn't work this way, but I can't write if I'm around other people. (The only exception is taking my laptop with me to a coffeeshop or Panera, but even then I sometimes find it difficult to concentrate.) Since this is the case, I really need to start figuring out the best times to work on my blog, which days I want to post, and keep more detailed lists of post ideas to help me when I'm feeling uninspired.
2. Make an effort to write creatively at least once a week. This was also one of my New Year's resolutions, and I'm sad to say that I haven't been sticking with this at all. It shouldn't be that difficult to find at least an hour of time each week to sit down and work on a creative writing project (even if I only manage to get a few plot points organized or work on character development), but for some reason it has been. I'm still not sure if I want to continue working on a novel I started a couple of years ago, or if I want to start something completely new ... But I really need to start writing something.
3. Come up with a new way to list out the week's meal plan. While we don't always stick with a meal plan 100% each week, I always try to have some dinner ideas listed in a note on my computer in an effort to stay organized and avoid eating out multiple times because we can't come up with something to make at home. While it's not a bad way to make a list, it's kind of boring. I'm not great with graphics, but I'd like to make something a little more fun using PicMonkey (my go-to site for photo editing and graphics for my blog). If it looks nice enough, I may even start sharing our weekly meal plans.
4. Create an original recipe. This is yet another one of my New Year's resolutions (well, I want to create at least 3 original recipes over the course of the year), and since this month's personal challenge theme is "create," it seemed like the perfect time to start chipping away at this goal. I actually already have something in mind, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it actually turns out the way I want it to!
5. My last goal for this month is something I can't share right now because it's a surprise for Eric and he reads my blog. I'll just say that it definitely fits with the "create" theme, and it's a (very!) long overdue wedding anniversary gift. (Yes, I know that's sad ... Our anniversary was November 9th and I still haven't finished his gift. I suck.)
I consider myself to be a pretty creative person, but it was kind of hard to come up with some goals for this month. As I mentioned in Thursday's post, I'm not a crafty, DIY kind of girl. I think if I were, it might have been a little easier to come up with some projects for February. I could have decided to paint a room or knit a scarf or work on a scrapbook (though scrapbooking is actually something I would like to eventually get into, especially after Eric and I start a family) ... But, since most of my creativity is related to writing and cooking, I decided my best bet was to just incorporate those passions/talents into my goals.
Hopefully I'll be able to make better use of my free time and accomplish all of these goals this month!
Solid goals! I love the one about creative writing. It's such a great exercise for the mind...and sometimes the heart and soul too!
ReplyDelete[…] out and stop fucking around. I had all of these great goals for 2015 (and for the month of February), and instead of being productive and actually completing some of these goals, I’m just […]
ReplyDelete[…] I could cram a bunch of things into those 28 days, and I guess I sort of did … But some of my create goals suffered as a […]