Saturday, January 31, 2015

Playlist: January 2015

I was originally planning to make this post yesterday, but since I didn't schedule it ahead of time and I was too tired to work on it after my yoga class, it just never happened.  So I'm once again posting on the weekend (something I really don't like doing) to make sure I get my January 2015 playlist up before it's time to flip the calendar page to February.

Since I shared this post earlier in the month, I decided to focus on songs that inspire me for January's playlist.  Since there are literally thousands of songs I could include on a playlist with this theme, I've decided to narrow it down by sharing only a select few that have either been instrumental in my creative writing projects or have simply been playing on repeat for the past month or so, serving as background music for blogging or brainstorming ideas.

I realize that #16 doesn't match the song listed on the actual Spotify playlist.  This is an error on Spotify's part.  This song is actually a cover Alexisonfire did of the Moneen song "Tonite, I'm Gone" (hence the Spotify name).  The silly title is just a reference to one of the members in Moneen (his nickname is "Hippy").  And now it becomes more apparent just how much useless musical trivia I know.

As you can probably tell from this list, I pulled inspirational songs from various stages in my life (though, to be fair, I still listen to all of these bands/artists on a regular basis).  Like I said earlier, this is in no way a complete list of songs that influence my writing ... But it at least gives you an idea of what I might put on if I'm feeling uninspired.

One last thing before I share my playlist: I broke down and made a new Spotify account specifically for my blog.  I didn't really want to do this, but it seemed like the best option.  You may recall from my last playlist post that Grooveshark had been randomly deleting some of the songs on my playlists, which was incredibly annoying.  I was considering giving Grooveshark another chance this month, but when I logged into my account to see that a few of my playlists had been altered yet again, I was like, "Fuck it, I'm going with Spotify."  Spotify has always been reliable, and that's really the most important thing to me right now.

So, without further ado, here is this month's playlist.  Hopefully those reading this will find inspiration in at least some of these songs as well!

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