As I said in my last post, this month's personal challenge is all about reading.
I was really excited when I initially saw the theme for this month because, as you may have noticed from my participation in the Show Us Your Books! link-up, I love to read. I was hoping that this challenge would push me to get through more books in a shorter time frame since I'm already behind schedule with my 50 book reading goal. However, after a somewhat last minute trip to Florida was planned, I knew that probably wouldn't happen. I plan to read on the plane, but I doubt I'll be reading much while I'm there since we're trying to cram a bunch of shit into just a few short days.
Because of that, I decided to keep my goals pretty simple this month. I still may not achieve all of them, but at least they're not so ambitious that I'm just setting myself up for failure.
I'm totally kidding about the title of this post, by the way. However, the e-Card I posted above completely describes me ... So maybe the title is kind of true? |
My May 2015 Goals:
1. Read and comment on blogs more often. Lately I've been letting the posts pile up in Bloglovin, and I really need to get caught up. When I log in and see that I have 300+ unread posts, I immediately think, "How am I ever going to get through all of these?" and then I lose all motivation to read any of them. And since I'm not reading a lot of blogs regularly these days, I'm also not commenting much. I'd like to change that.
2. Read at least 3 books this month. I should be averaging 4 books each month anyway to stay on track with my 50 book goal for the year, but I'm already 5 books behind schedule (according to Goodreads). Clearly it isn't always easy for me to find the time to read.
3. Get a library card. I'm going to be completely honest and say that I'm embarrassed that this is actually something I need. I used to go to the library with my mom at least once or twice a week when I was younger. I obviously utilized the library when I was in college. After college I got into the habit of just buying books (or borrowing them from friends). And after moving a couple of times (first to Wisconsin and then to Nebraska), I just sort of forgot about getting a library card. Now I'm realizing that I should definitely have one. Not only will it save me money, but it will also force me to read my books more quickly since I actually have a deadline.
I feel like these are pretty realistic goals for this month, but we'll see how it goes!
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