Friday, December 5, 2014

December: Challenging Myself to Simplify Things (At Least a Little!)

Image provided by Unsplash ( and edited by me.

I didn't think it would be that difficult to come up with at least one goal to simplify my life this month, but it was.  There are some obligations that I just can't say no to, gym classes I actually want to attend, and slightly more complex recipes I want to try.  Additionally, some of the things a normal person might be able to do to simplify his/her life during the holidays (like cutting back on some of the decorations) don't really apply.  I know we're going to sound like complete Scrooges, but Eric and I don't decorate our place for Christmas.  At all.

So I'm not exaggerating when I say it was really tough to come up with a way to simplify things this month.  (But I guess that's why it's a "challenge.")  After some thought, I've settled on a goal for December that's definitely doable.

My December 2014 "Making Things Easier on Myself" Goal:

We don't send Christmas cards out every year, but we have in the past.  I initially thought about doing it this year, but now that Christmas is quickly approaching, I'm not really into it.  If I take the time to send out a card, I like to also take the time to write a heartfelt message.  This year I just don't feel like I have the time or the energy to write the type of message I'd want, and I refuse to send out a bunch of generic "Happy Holidays" cards.  (No offense to those who do that ... It's just not the way I like to do things.)  So this year there will be no Christmas cards sent out.  Maybe next year!

My goal this month is probably kind of a cop out, but whatever.  It's something I can happily stick with that will reduce at least some of the stress that goes along with the holidays!


  1. Nothing wrong with that at all! I just did e-cards this year. I usually love sending cards, but with the spending freeze I'm on, I just couldn't justify it. The e-cards turned out cute anyway!

  2. I don't know why I've never considered e-cards for the holidays. That's a great idea, especially since you could easily cut costs that way!

  3. […] After a great evening of laughing, crazy stories, and awesome Indian food, I’ve finally found the motivation to sit down and discuss the results of my December simplify challenge. […]
