Thursday, December 4, 2014

Monthly Personal Challenge Link-up: November Results

Not Entirely Perfect

It's the first Thursday of the month, so it's time to share the results of my November organization challenge.  If you've been reading my blog lately you probably already know that I spent a good portion of November traveling.  Because of the extended time away from home, I kept my goals for November simple.

To recap, my original goals were as follows:

1.  Create (and stick to!) a posting schedule for this blog.

2.  Claim my blog on Bloglovin.

Pretty simple, right?  Well, here's how I did:

1.  I started adding post ideas to a schedule in a note on my iPhone.  I like keeping the schedule on my phone because I rarely go anywhere without it.  This obviously makes it easy for me to add new post ideas as I think of them regardless of where I am.  So far I've been able to come up with quite a few ideas for future posts and have been doing well with sticking to the posting schedule.  I actually have a schedule made up that will take me through mid-January, which is really nice.  No more sitting in front of the computer staring at a blank screen in hopes that maybe some inspiration will strike.  (I mean, I guess that could still happen, but it hasn't lately!)

2.  I haven't claimed my blog yet.  I kept thinking about it, but for some reason I just never did.  That changes today!  I'm adding the required link in this post, so if you're a Bloglovin user, please follow me so I don't look like a sad, pathetic blogger with 0 followers!

As I said, I kept my goals short and simple for November.  And, since the month of December can get pretty hectic with all of the holiday get-togethers, I'm going to try to keep my goals for the upcoming month simple as well (which is funny, since the theme for December's personal challenge is all about simplifying).  This might be a tough one for me, though.  Stay tuned for my post on those goals tomorrow!


  1. I followed you on bloglovin!
    I really need to sit down and work on my schedule/draft posts for the new year. I have a lot of ideas, but I need to commit them to paper.

  2. Thanks for following me! :-)

    I think having a schedule has been really helpful, though lately I've been guilty of thinking, "Eh, maybe I want to write about THIS instead," and changing things around. On the upside, I've at least been able to consistently post several times a week. That was something I really struggled with in the beginning, and I think having a schedule has helped me look ahead and plan posts a little better.

  3. I struggggggle with the whole, "blogging schedule" thing.... I have been blogging for going on four years and only have been consistent for like five months. It's funny to me how obvious it is that I'm blogging "something old" based on project photos. I am way better at pictures now then I used to be, but I don't want to completely ditch the old ideas!! Anyways, good job tackling November! :)

  4. I don't think there's anything wrong with blogging something old. I feel like that happens a lot with my recipes. They just kind of pile up since I only share one recipe each week, and sometimes I'll make something that I immediately want to share so the older stuff will get pushed to the back of the line. Sometimes I feel silly writing about a recipe I made months ago, but then I just feel glad that I didn't have to struggle to come up with something to share for my "Tasty Tuesday" post that week!
