My September 2015 Goals:
1. Finish the Literary Ladies Summer Book Challenge. I stuck with my original list (which can be found here, if you're interested), and I've completed 9 out of 10 books. I still need to read my pick for "A Book That Was Recommended By Another Blogger," and I need to do it by the time this challenge ends on September 21.
2. Watch at least 3 movies for the Fall Film Challenge. (You can check out my list here.) I think this is a realistic number of movies to watch in a month. If I want to complete the challenge and watch 25 movies in 3 months, I should actually be watching a lot more than 3 movies in September. I know how busy things can get, though, and I already have plans for 3 of the 4 weekends this month ... So I'll stick with 3.
3. Try to come up with a schedule for reading/commenting on blogs. For a while I was keeping up with my favorite bloggers and commenting within at least a day or two of the original post. Lately, though, I've been letting posts pile up in my Bloglovin' feed for days. I always catch back up, but I feel like it's a huge time suck to spend a night or two reading everything everyone has posted for an entire week (or sometimes longer) and then take time to comment on the things that really stand out. When I don't have a schedule, sometimes I let things slide for too long. I need structure.
I was going to try to come up with a couple more goals, but I think I'll keep things simple this month. Besides, I'm already in vacation mode ... Labor Day is coming up, and I took off a couple of extra days to visit my friend Danielle in Minnesota. I'm so excited to have a 5 day weekend, and I'm looking forward to spending time with Danielle and exploring a new area!
Enjoy your five day weekend! I'll be easing back into goal-oriented stuff after fall officially starts later this month. It takes me a little while to shake off the summer laziness for me.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your September goals!
i think those are simple but realistic goals! good luck :)