I knew going in that I'd probably have a hard time completing this challenge, but I'm kind of surprised I'm this far behind. On the plus side, at least it's been fun watching and discussing these movies with Eric!

1. 127 Hours - Watched 09/29/2015
My Thoughts: This kind of reminded me of the movie Buried with Ryan Reynolds since it's focused on one actor for the majority of the movie. I actually prefered Buried, but I did think this was pretty good. I think I'd only seen James Franco in one or two other movies (never a serious role), and I was impressed with his performance.
Eric's Thoughts: It's really entertaining for basically just being one guy the whole time. I thought his reactions seemed realistic, like how he went crazy and stuff.
Kristen's Rating: 3/5 stars - Liked it.
Eric's Rating: 4/5 stars - Really liked it.
2. It Follows - Watched 10/02/2015
My Thoughts: I initially didn't even want to watch this movie because the premise sounded kind of stupid. Although it seems like a lot of reviews claim it's the best horror movie in years, it's not ... But it isn't awful either. The acting (particularly Maika Monroe's performance) was surprisingly good, and the film does a great job building up a slow sense of dread throughout. But they never explained where this sexually transmitted supernatural force originated or why it exists. There were also a few inconsistencies that really annoyed me. It was a decent horror movie, but definitely not the best I've ever seen.
Eric's Thoughts: It was pretty scary, and I kept wondering if a condom would provide protection against the apparent "STD." They're lucky it didn't follow them faster.
Kristen's Rating: 3/5 stars - Liked it.
Eric's Rating: 2/5 stars - Didn't like it. (He said it was really more like a 2.5 because his feelings were mostly neutral on this movie, but I forced him to stick with the Netflix ratings and wouldn't let him tack on the extra 0.5.)
3. The Hunt - Watched 10/10/2015
My Thoughts: I loved this movie. It was one of those films where you just want to shake the characters and scream in their faces saying, "Are you even watching what's going on? Are you even listening?" Eric touches on this in his review as well, but I liked that everything wasn't straightforward. It's easy to believe that Lucas (played by Mads Mikkelsen) is innocent based on the information given, but there are a few times where things get a little blurred and that tiny seed of doubt is planted. It's an intense movie that's most definitely not for everyone, but I thought it was amazing.
Eric's Thoughts: It was well done, and I thought it was interesting how they created a sense of doubt with regard to his innocence. While it wasn't based on a true story, it was realistic and shocking how quickly a situation like that could escalate.
Kristen's Rating: 5/5 stars - Loved it.
Eric's Rating: 3/5 stars - Liked it.
4. Bridesmaids - Watched 10/21/2015
My Thoughts: I feel like everyone thinks this is one of the funniest movies ever, and, while it definitely had its funny moments, I was kind of surprised that so many people think it's so hilarious. (Though, to be fair, I tend to like dark comedies a lot more than silly comedies like Bridesmaids.) I did like that Annie (Kristen Wiig's character) seemed pretty realistic despite how over-the-top so much of the movie was. I think a lot of the things she was experiencing were things a lot of women have experienced at one point or another. I enjoyed the movie for the most part, but I don't know if I'd watch it again.
Eric's Thoughts: I didn't think it was as funny as people said it was. It seemed kind of slow, and I definitely wouldn't have watched it if I wasn't part of this challenge. [My comment: So cute that he said he was part of this challenge!] Even though I didn't really like it, it was still kind of a fun, goofy movie.
Kristen's Rating: 3/5 stars - Liked it.
Eric's Rating: 2/5 stars - Didn't like it.
I think our reviews were a little more in-depth this time around, but I still think I'm much better at reviewing books. I'm clearly also much better at reading challenges than I am at movie challenges.
I'm so sad you guys didn't like Bridesmaids. It made me laugh and laugh and laugh. I watch it whenever it's on.
ReplyDeleteI quit the challenge. Not enough time, too many rules to follow, not enough caring to try. Maybe next year.
I enjoyed Bridesmaids... but definitely not as much as most people. I'm not a gross humour kind of girl, so a lot of it didn't make me laugh. But some areas did. Plus, I saw it right when my bestie chose not to include me in her bridal party, so I was kind of bitter. hahaha. Haven't seen the others you watched. I'm the same as Jana, I quit. Well, not really quit, I just watched like one and that's it. I don't really sit down and watch movies anymore.