Monday, June 8, 2015

The First Week in June: Philadelphia and a Wedding

As I've mentioned several times in recent posts, I spent some time in Philadelphia last week. And although I spent the majority of my time in a hotel conference room, I did manage to make some time in the evenings to explore the city.

I know I wrote this post about living in the moment and stepping away from picture taking and social media just a week ago, but I couldn't help myself. I had to act like a tourist and take a ton of pictures while I was gone. The last time I was in Philadelphia was November 2007 ... I'd forgotten how beautiful it is!

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Proof that I can be a total tourist (and that I never know how to stand in pictures!):

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I know I already posted this one on Instagram, but it's my favorite from the week.

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And, of course, I couldn't do a photo recap of my trip without including some pictures of my favorite meals. Both sushi pictures and the seaweed salad were from the same dinner. It was all you can eat sushi, and I definitely ate until I couldn't eat any more! (I made a friend at the conference, and we shared the sushi. I may be able to eat a lot, but there's no way I could have eaten that entire platter by myself!) The top right picture is a spicy chicken flatbread covered in Sriracha and peanut sauce that I got at a little restaurant just down the street from my hotel. Below that is a bowl of 5 cheese macaroni and cheese with duck confit that I got from the restaurant in my hotel on a night when it was raining way too hard to venture out.

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On Saturday Eric and I went to my friend Ann's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception, and she looked stunning! I didn't take many pictures while we were there because I feel like the pictures I've taken in the past at weddings always turn out horribly. Eric and I took a couple of selfies at our table after we'd had a few cocktails and stuffed ourselves with dinner and dessert ... And those are the only pictures I took. I'm only going to post one of them, though.

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Sunday was filled with blogging, Netflix, reading, and errands. I also managed to squeeze in some time at the gym (I did cardio for the first time in months and it felt great!). Overall, it was a very relaxing day and the perfect end to the week.


  1. Yay! Swann Fountain is my favorite fountain in the city. That's a great photo!

    1. Thank you! I actually took that with my iPhone ... I didn't even bother bringing my digital camera since I wasn't sure how much time I'd have to explore the city.
