I know that a lot of people make seasonal or quarterly goals, but I don't think that would really work for me right now. The amount of time I have available to devote to my goals can vary significantly from month to month, so I think it's a lot easier to come up with what I think will be a reasonable number of goals on a monthly basis. That's just me, though ... Obviously everyone is different!

Before I get to my results, I just wanted to say a couple of things about the picture above. I thought it would be nice to use my own photo (versus a stock photo) for this post, so I thought, "I'll just take a picture right now as I'm writing this." It's surprisingly awkward/difficult to take a picture of your hand on a keyboard. I wanted it to look natural, but I don't know that it actually does. You can also see that it's actually Sunday when I'm writing this (which isn't unusual for me) based on that little calendar icon on the bottom of my screen.
The other thing is that I usually put my blog's name somewhere on all of my photos. I don't really think anyone will try to steal them (they're not exactly the most amazing pictures ever or anything), but I do think it's a good idea to mark them. I obviously didn't add any additional text to this photo, though. I figured that since my blog's name is already featured in the image (not to mention a portion of this post), someone would have to be pretty ballsy to just steal it and claim it as their own. I know these are completely random thoughts (and probably way too many for such a simple picture), but I figured I'd share them because, well, why not?
Anyway, now I'll actually get to the point of this post and share my June results.
To recap, my goals were:
1. Get back into a regular exercise routine, working out at least 4 times each week with at least 1 day of cardio and/or strength training.
2. Use MyFitnessPal regularly.
3. Post on my blog at least 3-4 times per week.
4. Get my recipe index up to date.
I think overall I did pretty well, but I could have done better.
1. I'll give myself a pass on this. I worked a day of cardio in each week, but I was only able to work out 4 days during one week ... Every other week I only worked out 3 days. I think I just have to face the fact that it's often too difficult for me to make it to the gym 4 times every week because I have other commitments. I still think I did a decent job keeping up with an exercise routine, though, and I'm definitely going to stick with it as much as possible!
2. I'd say I was about 50/50 with this. I was doing really well for a while, and then I just sort of stopped logging my food and exercise. I got lazy, and that's not a good excuse. I want to give this another try because I think it's important to keep track of this stuff.
3. I definitely passed on the posting! I didn't always blog on the same days, but I managed to squeeze in several posts every week. (By the way, I was counting each week as Sunday through Saturday ... So by those standards, I definitely hit at least 3 posts every week!)
4. Done! I just need to remember to regularly update my recipe index so I don't have to spend as much time on it in one sitting.
I need some more time to come up with my July goals, but I'll post them soon. July is actually slightly less hectic for me than the last couple of months have been (though I will be going out of town later this month to stay with my best friend in Ohio for a long weekend!), so hopefully I'll be able to stick with all of my goals this month!
i think your hand looks natural ;) i have never tried to take a photo of my hand on a keyboard lol.
ReplyDeletecongrats on all your goals! you did pretty well. i have started and stopped myfitnesspal so many times, i'm just not a good logger, lol.
Your pic looks natural enough!
ReplyDeleteI think you did well on your goals. I was failing at gym going so I switched it up to exercise at home. That ensures that I do it!