I haven't written a "life lately" post since October, so it seemed like it was probably time for a general life update.
Right Now in Entertainment:
- I've been ramping up my reading in an effort to finish the Semi-Charmed Winter Book Challenge before the month is over. Can I do it? I don't know. I'm cutting it close, but I still may pull through.
- Speaking of reading challenges, I finished my first book for Book Challenge by Erin 4.0! (In case you're wondering, that book was The Martian.) Once January/the SCWBC15 is over, I'll be able to turn my focus to this challenge. I already have several books checked out from the library in preparation. (And yes, I realize this picture also contains a book I've already finished for the challenge. Whatever.)

- With all this reading, my next Show Us Your Books! post is going to be huge. (Don't say I didn't warn you.)
- Eric and I finished Making a Murderer earlier this month. So much of what happened was so crazy (particularly when it came to Brendon) that I found it hard to believe it actually happened. I haven't read any of the articles claiming to have more information that have been floating around online yet, but I plan to at some point. (I know Jana recently posted a couple of related links that I need to check out!)
- We also just finished the last available season of Law & Order: SVU on Netflix. I know I mentioned this on Monday, but I'm disappointed that the older seasons aren't available right now. I love Olivia but I do miss Elliot.
- We've now moved on to Californication. I watched at least two or three seasons years ago, but Eric had never seen it. He loves it (possibly because of all the raunchy humor and boobs?). I love it for many reasons, but especially because the main character is a writer and because there are a lot of great literary and musical references. Win win.
- I'm clearly getting addicted to Netflix. Again.

- We also finally watched Inside Out this month. I was planning to watch it for the Fall Film Challenge, but I obviously didn't get to it before the challenge ended in November. It was even better than I thought it would be! If you haven't seen it, you should. (And prepare to get emotional. I cried not once, but twice. I'm such a sap.)
- Speaking of reading challenges, I finished my first book for Book Challenge by Erin 4.0! (In case you're wondering, that book was The Martian.) Once January/the SCWBC15 is over, I'll be able to turn my focus to this challenge. I already have several books checked out from the library in preparation. (And yes, I realize this picture also contains a book I've already finished for the challenge. Whatever.)

- With all this reading, my next Show Us Your Books! post is going to be huge. (Don't say I didn't warn you.)
- Eric and I finished Making a Murderer earlier this month. So much of what happened was so crazy (particularly when it came to Brendon) that I found it hard to believe it actually happened. I haven't read any of the articles claiming to have more information that have been floating around online yet, but I plan to at some point. (I know Jana recently posted a couple of related links that I need to check out!)
- We also just finished the last available season of Law & Order: SVU on Netflix. I know I mentioned this on Monday, but I'm disappointed that the older seasons aren't available right now. I love Olivia but I do miss Elliot.
- We've now moved on to Californication. I watched at least two or three seasons years ago, but Eric had never seen it. He loves it (possibly because of all the raunchy humor and boobs?). I love it for many reasons, but especially because the main character is a writer and because there are a lot of great literary and musical references. Win win.
- I'm clearly getting addicted to Netflix. Again.

- We also finally watched Inside Out this month. I was planning to watch it for the Fall Film Challenge, but I obviously didn't get to it before the challenge ended in November. It was even better than I thought it would be! If you haven't seen it, you should. (And prepare to get emotional. I cried not once, but twice. I'm such a sap.)
Right Now in General Life Updates:
- For the most part, I've been sticking with my January goals. I'm planning to write a post at the end of the month that goes into more detail (this definitely helps with accountability!), and I'm pretty excited that I'll actually be able to mark most of them off with a PASS.
- I need some new workout shoes, but I'm not sure what I want. I just know that I really need to get rid of the shoes I have now. I've had them for about five years, and, for some unknown reason, they're starting to hurt my feet. (Maybe because they're old?) I have a couple of gift cards I can use so I'll get them for free (or next to nothing), but I can't figure out what color/style/brand I want to go with. If anyone has a favorite style/brand of workout shoe, please feel free to leave a suggestion!
- Clearly my life is kind of boring right now. Haha.
- I need some new workout shoes, but I'm not sure what I want. I just know that I really need to get rid of the shoes I have now. I've had them for about five years, and, for some unknown reason, they're starting to hurt my feet. (Maybe because they're old?) I have a couple of gift cards I can use so I'll get them for free (or next to nothing), but I can't figure out what color/style/brand I want to go with. If anyone has a favorite style/brand of workout shoe, please feel free to leave a suggestion!
- Clearly my life is kind of boring right now. Haha.
Right Now in Things I'm Looking Forward To:
- Tomorrow Eric and I are having a much needed date night. We've been trying to be a little more frugal this month, but we've also been getting a little stir crazy hanging around the apartment every weekend ... So it's definitely time to get out and do something fun! We're not doing anything amazing or original (dinner and a movie), but I'm really looking forward to it.
- We're going to one of our favorite restaurants, Saigon, for dinner and since we first talked about making plans for a date night, I've been craving a huge, spicy, delicious bowl of pho. And bubble tea. Always bubble tea.

- I'm even more excited about the movie, though. We're going to see Anomalisa, which has been on my "Must See" list (which, if you're wondering, is much shorter than my "To Read" list) since I first heard that Charlie Kaufman had something new in the works. It's finally here! I love Charlie Kaufman films (with the exception of Human Nature), and I really hope this lives up to my expectations.

I think I may start making these "Life Right Now" posts a regular monthly thing. My life isn't always super exciting, but these posts are kind of fun to write. I also like reading these types of posts on other blogs, so hopefully at least a few people will like reading them on mine. (And it doesn't hurt that Kristen is now cohosting a link-up that these types of posts would be perfect for!)
- We're going to one of our favorite restaurants, Saigon, for dinner and since we first talked about making plans for a date night, I've been craving a huge, spicy, delicious bowl of pho. And bubble tea. Always bubble tea.

- I'm even more excited about the movie, though. We're going to see Anomalisa, which has been on my "Must See" list (which, if you're wondering, is much shorter than my "To Read" list) since I first heard that Charlie Kaufman had something new in the works. It's finally here! I love Charlie Kaufman films (with the exception of Human Nature), and I really hope this lives up to my expectations.

I think I may start making these "Life Right Now" posts a regular monthly thing. My life isn't always super exciting, but these posts are kind of fun to write. I also like reading these types of posts on other blogs, so hopefully at least a few people will like reading them on mine. (And it doesn't hurt that Kristen is now cohosting a link-up that these types of posts would be perfect for!)